Our Story


“Art is an adventure into an unknown world, which can be explored only by those willing to take risks.” – Mark Rothko

Resin Meets Roses all started in 2021 when I was shopping for some coasters that contained real pressed flowers. After searching, I became intrigued with the craft and knew it had to be an art that I would learn to do myself. As I played around with different names to call this small business of mine, nothing sounded "right." A dear friend of mine was telling me about another small businesses's name after their mom. That was when it clicked! 
As a young girl I would flip through my mom's Vietnamese diaries, and she would show me these drawn/pressed roses that she had kept throughout the years; AND Ta da! That is how Resin Meets Roses started. 
What I love most about working with resin is that every single product is one-of-a-kind and all handmade by me. Although I have learned the way resin navigates, I can never dictate exactly where it goes. However, I can promise that I put SO MUCH LOVE into each piece. It may not always be 100% perfect, but it is a piece of art that is imperfectly perfect. I hope that you enjoy your handmade pieces as much as I do. 

Now about the founder of Resin Meets Roses. My name is Diana. I am 28 years old and I live in Indiana. I work as a dental hygienist and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE teeth! :) I have always enjoyed arts whether it is playing music, painting, and now resin! I have three dogs that I absolutely adore with my whole heart. The one pictured is my youngest puppy Hendrix. I am a BIG cook and make most of my meals homemade and always said if I didn’t go into the teeth field I would have gone to culinary school.

Anyways, I still cannot believe this idea I had planted in brain has now come to this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of this journey with me. I will continue to do my best to make you all proud.